We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat!

MadPea Celebrity Auction Poster

Since we released the video from the school in Kenya that we’re fundraising for we’ve had even more well known residents sign up to put themselves on the Auction Block for our star-studded Celebrity Auction. We even have 2 Lindens put their brave avatars forward for the challenge! If you’re still wondering what? why? Click below to watch the video.

We soon released that the event is getting bigger and bigger and !Exodus! Rock Club, where the event is being held, approached their landlord for help with ensuring that the event ran smoothly and Damien and Maddy, the Owners of Stargazer Estates were only too happy to help by donating additional space and extra customer support over the course of the weekend. We can’t thank them enough for their help and support in making sure we can cope with the number of visitors we’re expecting!

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Here’s the up to date list of Residents taking part in the auction but don’t forget that is just part of it. There are many more Musicians, DJ’s and Hosts giving up their time to entertain us over the course of the weekend so keep an eye out for the Entertainment Schedule which will be released this week.

Canary Beck
TeenaMarie Bressig
Sina Souza (Sinalein Resident)
Caitlin Tobias
Mericat Ireland
Anderian Sugarplum
Roman Godde
Lisa Brune
Bcreative Wilde
Dusty Wasp
Aeonix Aeon
Maggie Mae Bhaktiguru (Any1 Gynoid)
Toxic Darkmatter
Arduenn Schwartzman
TerryLynn Melody
Inara Pey
Isla Gealach
Freestar Tammas
Garnet Psaltery
Chloe Seljan
Sabbian Paine
Synitry Resident
Leetx Resident
Gabrielle Riel
Imre Bellic
Tzaryna Gracemount
Kiana Writer
Trinity Yazimoto
Levio Serenity
Kess Crystal
ayla Barzane
Draxtor Despres
Jo Yardley
Kush Zepp
Octagons Yazimoto
emery milneaux
katharine mcginnis
irrie Ember
Yelena Istmal
Panda (Pandagroov Windstorm)
Tab Tatham and EvanKeel Resident
Saffia Widdershins
Brique Topaz
Kara Trapdoor
Jessica Lyon
Sufferingfrom Lockjaw (Leannan Wolfgang)
Dita Lamour(DitaLamour Resident)
Poulet Koenkamp
Deepert Resident
Tracy Redangel
Johannes1977 Resident
Twostep Spiritweaver
Josie Anderton
christope magic
Esme Capelo
Jenica Penucca
Harper Beresford
Callie Cline
Alexa Linden
Xiola Linden
Cacilia McMasters. & Ava Jhamin
winteru9 resident
RacerX gullwing


3 Comments Add yours

  1. John says:

    Reblogged this on Windlight Magazine and commented:
    I am pleased to announce that I am up for auction in the MadPea Celebrity Auction in support of Feed a Smile:


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